Why Hydrogenated Oils Are Bad For You

One of the most used food additives is hydrogenated oil.  Look at the packaged food you buy and you’ll see it listed.  This oil is a killer and you need to become more informed on why and in what foods you will find it.  This short article gives you a quick view on what you need to know about hydrogenated oils.


Warning: Do not eat foods that contain partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated fats. These fats are found in all kinds of packaged and junk food. Food manufacturers really don't care about your health when they add hydrogenated oils to their foods.


Good clean vegetable oils are hydrogenated to create shortenings and margarine. Vegetable oils are partially hydrogenated so they can be added to many foods since they become a source of cheap fat and increase the shelf life of the food product.


What do hydrogenated oils? When healthy oils are processed through bubbling hydrogen at temperatures up to 210 C, unnatural fatty acids are created that are called trans-fatty acids.


Your body is unable to use these unnatural fatty acids so the liver sees them as toxic waste and proceeds to detoxify and eliminate them. Trans-fatty acids are one of the most toxic wastes that can be inside your body. Trans fatty acids, also, can block your body's use of the essential fatty acids.


Hydrogenated oils also have all of their nutrients removed during their processing. This forces removal of vitamins and minerals from your body to help digest the stripped hydrogenated oil.


Trans fatty acids affect more than just our cardiovascular health. According to a study reported by Mary Enig, Ph.D., when monkeys were fed margarine containing trans-fat in their diets, red blood cells did not bind insulin as well as when they were not fed trans. This suggests a link with diabetes. Trans fatty acids have been linked with a variety of adverse health effects which include: cancer, ischemic heart disease, multiple sclerosis diverticulitis, diabetes, and other degenerative conditions.
