5 Reasons Why Women Can't Loose Weight

Many women (and many men too) are unsatisfied with their weight and the appearance of their body. Physical exercise as well as the introduction of 'healthy' diets are often undertaken to counter these complexes. Unfortunately, many of them are uninformed and do not reach their goals. Here are some reasons to explain this phenomenon:

1- You're doing too much cardio:

Mainly if done over long distances continually, cardiovascular training will have a catabolic effect, which means that it will cause a loss of muscle mass. Choose an interval technique and do it always at the end of your strenght workouts. To stop the catabolic effect during cardiovascular effort, consume at least 10 grams of BCAA during your training.

2- You do not eat enough:

Obviously, to achieve a goal of weight loss, calorie restriction must be integrated into the diet. Eat your three main meals and incorporate nutritious snacks between them. By cons, it is still important to eat according to your caloric expenditure of the day, without eating more calories than what you spent.

3- You're afraid to eat fat:

For spent decades, fat was seen as our worst enemy. Fortunately, food is a science that is constantly evolving and studies today show the positive effects of the consumption of good fats for our health and our body compostion. Eat good fats to boost your metabolism: nuts, avocados, butter and omega 3.

4- You don't use weights in the gym:

Or not enough. Strength training has many more benefits for your body than people think. You'll burn more calories and you'll stimulate much more your metabolism in the long term that if you only limit yourself to cardiovascular workouts, in addition to having a figure more toned and cut.

5- You do not eat enough protein:

Also neglected for several spent decades, thinking being intended exclusively for bodybuilders, proteins are your best friends in a weight loss. They will help you tone your muscles and to have a better immune health. Moreover, proteins are essential for the health of your thyroid gland, which will stimulate fat loss.
